How to Become a Software Developer from Scratch

How to Become a Software Developer from Scratch

Are you aspiring to become a professional software developer? Coding can greatly affect both businesses and people all over the world. However, the road to becoming a software developer isn’t as easy as it may seem. If you’re starting from scratch with no previous coding experience and only basic computer skills, you have a long road ahead of you. Not to mention that even after you master the basics of software development, you still have to learn new trends that come up and new methods of coding that develop. In other words, you will always be a student.

Whether you’re stuck in your career or you are re-entering the workforce, transforming yourself into a software developer is within your grasp, but only if you’re willing to work hard. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected that between the year 2014 and 2024, the industry will grow by 17%. This means an additional 186,000 job openings. So you may have just picked a great time to enter the software development field.

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